DIY Mango Jalapeño Vegan Sushi

Since switching to a predominately Whole Foods Plant Based diet nearly a year ago (you can read about my health journey here), I’ve come up with some great alternatives to my most favorite dishes. Although I still eat fish from time to time, I love making this vegan sushi alternative at home because I’m not weirded out about eating the raw fish leftovers.

When I ordered traditional sushi in the past, I used to worry about eating the leftovers due to the raw fish, but this vegan alternative is perfect for leftovers!

It’s also some of the best “sushi” I’ve ever had. I was blown away when I made it for the first time.

AND if you’ve got picky kids who hate the idea of raw fish, this is a great option for them. Just reduce the spice and you’re set! You can even make spicier rolls for you and your partner if you’re wanting the spicier version.

Vegan Mango Jalapeño Sushi


  • Sushi Rolling Kit (I found mine here) **UNDER $10**
  • Saran wrap (to wrap the bamboo mat)


  • Nori Rice Paper (I found mine here)
  • Sushi Rice (I found mine here)
  • Mango, fresh & cut into long slivers
  • Jalapeños, fresh & cut into long slivers
  • Avocado
  • Cabbage, fresh & sliced
  • Raw Carrots, sliced
  • Sriracha Sauce (I found mine here)
  • Hemp Seeds (optional)
  • Chia Seeds (if you’re rolling with the rice on the outside)
  • Wasabi Powder — to make wasabi when eating the sushi (I found mine here)


  • Make sushi rice the night before (or in the morning) and place in refrigerator. The sushi rice shouldn’t be hot when preparing your rolls. Follow the directions EXACTLY on the sushi rice package.
  • Start slicing all the ingredients you plan on using in the roll. Make sure the ingredients are sliced thinly.
  • Make wasabi (follow directions on package) and place in the fridge for later.
  • Once rice is cold (or cool), you can start the rolling process.
  • Cover your bamboo rolling mat with saran wrap. Completely cover the mat. I even tape down some of the edges.
  • Place 1 piece of nori paper into the bamboo rolling mat.
  • Prepare a small bowl of water. Dip your fingers in the water, then take a hand-full of rice and start pressing (flat) the rice onto the saran wrap-covered bamboo mat. Leave about an inch of nori paper showing on the top and bottom (see photo above).
  • Start placing your ingredients on top of the rice in a horizontal fashion. Add siracha sauce if desired.
  • Start rolling the sushi using THIS METHOD HERE.
  • Slice the rolls with a sharp knife using THIS METHOD HERE.
  • Place rolls in the fridge in order for them to be nice and cool for dinner time!