Veggie Cabbage Soup

Today’s veggie soup is one of my go-to recipes for every season. It’s completely vegan and it’s packed-full of healthy nutrients.

I love using fresh ingredients, but you can also use frozen veggies from a bag. I would advise to use organic when possible. I also like to buy fresh veggies, prep them all, then freeze the remaining. Then whenever I’m ready for my veggie soup, all I have to do is throw the bag of pre-prepped frozen veggies into the pot and add the broth and seasoning.

Veggie Cabbage Soup Recipe:


  • Veggie Broth
  • Celery, Cut into smaller pieces (I like to use a lot!)
  • Cabbage, Cut into smaller pieces (I like to use a lot!)
  • Carrots
  • Peas
  • Organic Corn (Optional)
  • White (or yellow) onion, Large
  • Riced Cauliflower
  • Rice or noodles (Optional)
  • Pepper (to taste — I like a lot!)
  • Herb Seasoning (to taste — I like a lot!) (this one HERE is the BEST)
  • ** I also sometimes add leftover veggies into the soup. i.e. broccoli**


  • Since this is a soup, I don’t measure things out.
  • I basically throw all the ingredients into a pot, then fill with veggie broth until I’m covering the ingredients.
  • The ratios are all up to you! I like a lot of celery and cabbage though.
  • Bring to a slight boil, boil for a few minutes, then reduce to low heat.
  • Let the soup cook for 30 min / 1 hour. You can also leave it on low for many hours. It will taste amazing!!